
Today, the process of interacting with dApps via browser or mobile wallets remains cumbersome, especially in the multi-chain world. The rise of Layer 2 solutions has brought cheap and fast dApp interactions, but it has also created a confusing experience for users who must navigate bridging, gas fees, and network switching across different blockchains.

To address these challenges, we are introducing an innovative design pattern and a toolkit that enables applications deployed on any Nova's connected blockchain to seamlessly onboard users from any promotion channel: Chain Abstraction.

Our solution abstracts away the complexity of blockchain technology from the user experience. Users won't even realize they are interacting with a blockchain, let alone which blockchain they are using.

Our vision is to bridge Web2 and Web3 seamlessly, promoting the mass adoption of blockchain technology and the use of dApps in a multi-chain world. We aim to ensure the best user experience and capital efficiency while inheriting the robust security of Ethereum Mainnet, based on Nova's multi-chain aggregated ZK-Rollup technology.

What can be achieved by Nova's Chain Abstraction

For Developers

No matter which blockchain your DApp is currently deployed, we make it easy for you to onboard users from zkLink Nova with multi-chain aggregated liquidity. You don't need to redeploy your DApp on zkLink Nova network, but you can keep benefiting from the network effect on the blockchain where you already have great user base and deep liquidity.

We provide a toolkit that allows you to create actions that fulfill users' intent of achieving an outcome on any Nova's connected blockchain. An action could consist of multiple transactions on multiple blockchains, interacting with multiple DApps. The complexity of multi-chain transactions is abstract away from user experience, and users don't need to concern if there's enough funds for a transaction on one specific blockchain, as long as they have enough funds on any of our connected blockchains.

Through our toolkit, you could turn your actions into a customizable promotion link, which we call it MagicLink. Actions can be easily promoted on a variety of Web 2 social media platforms through MagicLinks, and easily get approved by users.

For Users

Multi-chain Smart Account (SA) is designed to facilitate users to interact with the DApps deployed on any connected blockchain networks. You could see your aggregated assets on multiple chains through a unified interface, and seamlessly use your crypto assets on one blockchain for the transaction on another blockchain, without need to concern where the assets locate.

You can securely authorize your device’s passkey to approve actions for your smart account, so that you don't have to rely on a wallet app to sign transactions. You neither need to realize the complex transactions behind an action, nor which blockchain you'll use. All you need to do is to:

  • Click the promotion link

  • Preview the action outcome and revise the input if needed

  • Approve the action by your passkey

In this way, we make the user experience in Web3 as simple as in Web2, while still benefit from Web3's freedom and decentralization.

For Promoters

As a KOL, marketing agency, or project team member, you can customize the action you want to promote through an user interface (UI) and generate a MagicLink for your audience to execute the action. You can also set the referral rewards you can get from your referees.

The MagicLink can be shared on a variety of platforms, for example, Twitter, Telegram, Discord. You no longer need to take times to make tutorial for the users if they only care about the outcome. All they need to do is to click your link and approve.

Your performance will be transparent to everyone, so that you can show the value you can create, helping you the seize more promotion opportunities working with your clients.

Last updated